Dr. K.C. Shashidhar
Ph.D.(Civil Engg.),Ph.D.(Sciences), M.Sc.,(Soil&water Conservation Engg.), M.S.(Counseling and Psychotherapy), MA(Kannada), PGDMM,PGDAEM, PGDNGOM, DCSA,PRS, GDC, CIC, AIME
Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agriculture
University of Agricultural Sciences, Shivamogga
shashidhar.kumbar@gmail.com 9448103268
Lecture Schedule (Theory; one hour per week)
Importance, History, Terminologies in soil and water conservation (Conservation, Soil and water conservation Engineering, Soil conservation, Water conservation),
Natural, Man-made, Geological/ accelerated erosion, Hydrological cycle, Precipitation, Annual Precipitation, Rain gauge- recording and non-recording types.
Wind and water
Climate, Precipitation characteristics- Amount, Intensity Duration Distribution, Direction, Temperature, Humidity, Wind velocity
Watershed characteristics-Geological of the catchments, Size and shape of the catchments, Topography, Drainage pattern
Runoff Estimation, Infiltration Method and Rational method. Rational method of estimating runoff Q=0.0276CIA
Assumptions in Rational formula
Time of concentration definition and empirical formula., Tc = 0.0195 L 0.77S-0.385
Use graph for converting the 1 hour rainfall intensities to intensities at other duration.
Soil Erosion, causes of soil erosion, Forms of water erosion, Raindrop/splash erosion, Sheet, Rill, Gully, stream channel erosion, mass movement, Factors affecting soil erosion by water, Mechanics of soil erosion by water.
Gully and its classification, Effects of gully erosion, Temporary gully control structure- temporary check dams, brush dams, semi-permanent dams, loose rock dams, log dams, Permanent gully control structures (design not included)- check dams, flumes/chutes,
Soil loss estimation by Universal Soil Loss Equation
USLE, Applications and Limitations of USLE, RKLSCP, Definitions-Soil Erosivity, Erodibility, Applications of USLE
Sediment yield, Sediment sampler, Sample types, Discharge proportionate samplers
Rain drop impact/Reducing length of slope/
Contour Key line, A frame, U-tube to establish contour key line, Advantages of contour cultivation
Strip Cropping-Buffer strip/Contour strip/Field strip cropping- Mulching/Tillage/
Design based on Matching Storage area required and design storage area. Computation of Runoff by Infiltration method. Horizontal and Vertical interval- VI Computation VI=(XS*Y)0.3 formula is used. Side Slope, Seepage line slope, top width, Bottom width, Height of the bund computation.
Computation of peak rate of runoff by Rational (Q=0.0276CIA) formula and Tc=0.0195L0.77S-0.385 relation is used and Nomograph is used for I computation. Then Bund designed with assuming D, Computed velocity with Manning's formula and comparing output velocity with Velocity limits of the soil and finally Q=AV and comparing this with Peak rate of runoff
Types of bench terraces-level bench, inward sloping and outward sloping bench terraces. Only Design principles like depth of cutting, bench width(Complete design is not Included)
Computing Peak rate of runoff (Q=0.0276CIA) and by considering erosive velocity limits working out cross sectional are by using Q=AV relation and determining channel grade by using manning’s formula.
Water Harvesting and its techniques
Water Harvesting, Recycling of Harvested water, Design calculations pond used
Decision on storage capacity,
Mechanics of wind erosion, types of soil movement
Layout of conservation structures
Layout of conservation structures
One session of quiz
Final Exam
Reference Text available in the library for the course
A.M. Michael and T.P. Ojha 2010, Agricultural Engineering Published Jain Brothers New Delhi
Arora, K. 1990. Surveying – Vol. 1. Standard Book House, New Delhi.
Basak, N.N. 1994. Surveying and leveling. Tata Mc-Graw hill publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
Kanetkar, I.P. & S.V. Kulkarni. 1984. Surveying & Levelling Part –I, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune.
Narinder Singh. 1992.Surveying. Tata Mc-Graw hill publishing company limited, New Delhi.
B.M.Chittapur and K.C.Shashidhar 2003, Dryland Agriculture Published by University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
A.S.Kumaraswamy and K.C.Shashidhar 1995 Drip irrigation(In Kannada) Published by Krishi Kirana, Shimoga
A.M.Michael Irrigation Theory and Practices
Elimelech Sapir and Eliezer Yagev 1995 Drip Irrigation Published by Centre for International Development Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture , State of Israel
K.C.Shashidhar, 2014, Nerethonabanni (In Kannada) Published by AREEDS, Shimoga
Rajegouda M.B. and Shashidhar K.C. Rainfall and its measurement Published by UAS Bangalore
12. Shashidhar K.C. 2003 Jalanayana Samgra Abhivrudhi Published by Kannada Sahithya Parishathu, Bangalore
Lecture Schedule (Practical; two hour per week) Submission of record should be done every week, soon after completing previous week practical exercises. Record should be written on A4 white sheets and filed properly to be intact before submission. Incomplete submission is treated as not submitted intime.
WeekTopicExercisesRecord Submission date1General Status of Soil Conservation in IndiaCollect Latest Statistics about Soil erosion and Soil conservation initiatives in the state and country. Write your interpretations.2Calculation of Erosion IndexCalculate the Erosion Index of given Rainfall Chart3Estimation of Soil LossLearning Skills-soil loss computation and document the same4Estimation of Soil LossComputing Soil loss5Measurement of Soil lossStudy of soil loss measurement in the field and document the same6Levelling simple techniques- A Frame and U-tubeSkill leaning-Practice in the field and draw a contour line using these tools7Instrumentation for Contour SurveyDocument instruments used and care & maintenance8Instrumentation for Contour SurveyDocument instruments used and care & maintenance9Dumpy level and its temporary adjustmentDocument and learn Skills10Contour survey of a given areaField survey and data recording11Preparation of Contour map manual and computer aided mappingPrepare contour map of surveyed area12Study of Contour MapsWrite interpretation to given contour map13Design of Grassed water waysDesign for given are and document14Design of Contour bundsDesign for given are and document15Design of Contour bundsDesign for given are and document16Design of graded bundsDesign for given are and document17Design of graded bundsDesign for given are and document18Design of bench terracing SystemDesign for given are and document19Problem on wind erosionDocument for the given area20Visit to model watershedCampus/Local watershed21
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